Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Bible Is MESSED UP!

So Holly took quite the lead on me in day one reading the entire book of Genesis...good show oh worthy opponent! But today has been my day off and I am taking back ground. I am currently in the first few books of Exodus, but wanted to make a few observations on here before I finish my reading for the day.

As I read through the book of Genesis I was a little shocked at how messed up the stories I was reading were! I mean, I'm talking Jerry Springer messed up! Murder, sex, betrayal...and I'm pretty sure the "mandrake plant" in chapter 30 would probably be considered a illegal substance today because this woman sold her husband like a prostitute for it! (I'm not kidding, read it...Okay, I just googled it, and yeah, it's a hallucinogen!) Did you know how racy this stuff is? I mean in chapter 19 Lot's daughters get him drunk so they can sleep with him and have his babies! Then in chapters 25-27 the tricky Jacob gets his brother's inheritance from his dad in exchange for some soup and donkey steak! (That Jacob must have really known how to cook!) I could go on and on! And these were the people that God built his nation upon! WOW! There is hope! If God could bless a people like this...if God could use people like these...God can use us. We hold up people like Abraham and Moses as if they were perfect godly figures from the Bible, but if you take the time to read about them...Abraham was a liar who slept with his wife's maidservant and Moses was a murderer! In the end it was their faith that God credited to them as righteousness, but they weren't perfect and no one tried to hide that fact! There short-comings are written in the Bible for everyone to read.

Another thing that has floored me in my more recent readings is the lack of faith these people had. God comes to Moses in a burning bush and tells him to do something and Moses has the balls to argue with God!!! WOW! I mean Abraham did the same thing, not only arguing, but trying to take matters into his own hands but let's talk about Moses...he starts making all these excuses like, I'm not a good speaker, people won't listen to me, blah, blah, blah, BLAH! If God came to me in a fiery shrub I'd like to believe I would be like..."Okay, Holy God Almighty, You got it! Whatever you say!" If God calls you to do something...he's gonna equip you to do it...I mean HELLO! But then I remembered two things. Number one, I know what I know about God because I've heard stories about people like Moses and Abraham, they didn't have the Old Testament...they were living it! And Two, God doesn't always come in a burning bush, but He calls us quietly to do things all the time...and I, I argue with Him all the time. I'm no better than these Bible crazies. Thousands of years and we haven't come that far, have we? Is God calling you to do something? Are you telling Him you aren't equipped to do it? Is He asking you to give? Are you telling God you don't have enough? Is He asking you to let go of something? Are you telling Him you can't do it?

One last observation...A little faith goes a long way...despite themselves...these people were used by God.

I hope that one day it will be able to be said of me...
...despite herself...
...Tiffani was used by God.


  1. Great post, Tiff - I love the last thought. And I love that you're doing this - you and Holly are examples to us all. And nice insights about Genesis - seriously, it's a fascinating book to read because it's like watching successive train wrecks, and what NOT to do in your life. Have fun as you keep going!! - Faith :)

  2. Its so cool that you guys are doing this! I wasn't ready to jump a board with you this year because I already have a reading plan set up but it is truly amazing to read Genesis and look at all the screw-ups that God used and think "Wow! I can mess up big time but God can still use me, who am I that I can thrwart His plan?" Exodus is increadible actually, I just got done reading it last week. ENjoy! Both of you! I encourage to talk to God about what your reading, before and after. I have done both, Bible+Prayer and just Bible and just Bible seems to go right in one ear and out the other and I end up feeling convicted and having to read it over again because I couldnt remember what I read the day before. =)

    Keep posting! very awesome you are doing this!

  3. overjoyed child is me (Gina =)) Don't laugh at me if you go to my live journal page it was from my freshman year in college

  4. Love it, Tiff. Very interesting. And, I agree, biblical times were no better then now. That is sin for you... messed up. Dan and I have been trying to read together every once in a while, and we have been having an ongoing conversation of why God would have allowed all of this stuff to happen. Weird... at least for our minds. Keep it up!

  5. This cracked me up. I'm so enjoying this challenge between you two. You guys are going to take away so much and I can't wait to read from you what happens next!

  6. That was great! I'm so excited for you on this journey!
